Other Incentives

Access and evaluate a wide variety of other municipal, provincial and federal programs for significant savings.

Regional incentives are just the beginning of savings opportunities for your business in Niagara. Our Economic Development staff can also help you access and evaluate a wide variety of other municipal, provincial and federal programs that your residential, commercial, industrial or agricultural project may be able to leverage for significant savings.


Click through the tabs above to learn more about the downtown development, agricultural and industrial incentives that may be available for your upcoming project in Niagara.

Downtown Development

Incentives are available for commercial, residential, mixed use and institutional development in approved downtown areas and local community improvement project areas.

Environmental Assessment Study Grant

The purpose of this program is to promote the undertaking of environmental site assessments so that better information is available with respect to the type of contamination and potential remediation costs on brownfield properties.

The Region will provide a matching grant on a cost shared basis with the local municipality to a maximum grant from the Region of $5,000 per property to promote the completion of Phase II Environmental Site Assessments, Remedial Work Plans and Risk Assessments, and a maximum of two studies per property.

Tax Increment Grant

Annual grants are available for eligible projects through the Gateway CIP program that will reimburse the property owner for up to 100% of the municipal property tax increase created by the property improvement for up to 10 years.

Building and Façade Improvement Grants and Loans

The purpose of this program is to promote the structural improvement of buildings and/or the improvement of building façades.

The Region provides a matching grant or loan on a cost shared basis with the local municipality for the structural improvement of buildings and/or the improvement of building façades.

The Region will provide a matching grant or loan on a cost shared basis with the local municipality to maximum grant amounts from the Region for up to $10,000 for front façade/building improvement and up to $10,000 for side/rear façade improvement.

Residential Grants & Loans

The purpose of this program is to promote residential conversion, infill and intensification.

The Region will provide a matching grant or loan on a cost shared basis with the local municipality to a maximum grant from the Region of $7,500 per unit and 20 units per property, or a matching loan from the Region of $10,000 per unit, or $150,000 and $200,000 respectively.

Heritage Restoration and Improvement Grants and Loans

The purpose of this program is to promote the restoration and improvement of buildings designated under the Ontario Heritage Act.

The Region will provide a matching grant or loan on a cost shared basis with the local municipality to a maximum grant or loan from the Region of $5,000 per residential property and $15,000 per commercial or industrial property.

Incentive programs described above are subject to cancellation and/or modification at any time. Applicants should contact Niagara Economic Development and/or their local Niagara municipality to obtain the most up-to-date information on incentive programs.

Industrial Development

Industrial Development Charge Expansion Exemption

The Regional Development Charge is waived on industrial projects where gross floor area is enlarged by 50% or less.

Industrial Development Charge Grant

A grant for 100% of the value of the Regional Development Charge is available for industrial development projects at time of issue of the building permit.

Incentives for employment land development in the Niagara Gateway Community Improvement Project Area:

Gateway Tax Increment and Development Charge Grants

Designated employment lands in Fort Erie, Niagara Falls, Port Colborne, Thorold and Welland may be eligible through the Gateway CIP program for an annual grant of 40 – 100% of the municipal property tax increase generated by the development for up to 10 years. Grant amounts and duration of annual grant payments (5 or 10 years) depends on project location and the level of investment and job creation. A grant of 70 – 100% of Regional Development Charge for industrial employment land development projects that provide an exceptional level of economic and design performance is also available.


National Research Council of Canada – Industrial Research Assistance Program

This federal program offers grants to eligible Canadian businesses specifically for the internal development and improvement of innovative technologies, products, and processes. Up to 65-80% of eligible internal technical labour costs are covered.

Southern Ontario Fund for Investment in Innovation

This federal program supported by FedDev Ontario provides interest-bearing business loans to support innovation and growth in small- and medium-sized businesses. It offers loans typically between $150,000 to $500,000 at an interest rate ranging from 8-12% to help finance late stage commercialization; new product or service development; development or implementation of new processes or technologies; or new applications or markets.

AgriMarketing Program – Market Development and Assurance Systems

This federal program offers funding to develop and implement long-term international strategies. Eligible projects can receive a grant for up to $50,000/year to a maximum of 50% of eligible costs. 

Canadian Agricultural Partnership

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is the new five-year commitment by Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial governments that will support Canada’s agri-food and agri-products sectors.


Visit the following websites to discover even more incentives and grants that are available to support your next investment:

Invest in Ontario

Incentive programs described above are subject to cancellation and/or modification at any time. Applicants should contact Niagara Economic Development and/or their local Niagara municipality to obtain the most up-to-date information on incentive programs.


FedDev Ontario – Business Scale-Up and Productivity

This Ontario government program offers no-interest loans for innovative and globally-oriented businesses undertaking a range of activities to accelerate growth. The Business Scale-up and Productivity Stream will normally target investments that range from $500,000 up to a maximum of $10 million per project.

Southwestern Ontario Development Fund

This provincial program supports business development and the expansion of SMEs located in Southwestern Ontario, including Niagara. Eligible projects can receive grants for up to 15% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of $1.5 million for projects with budgets up to $10 million.

CME SMART Green Program

This partnership program between the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) and the Government of Ontario offers eligible projects a grant to accelerate the adoption of innovative technologies that improve a company’s productivity and energy efficiency. The program provides 50% of project expenses to a maximum of $200,000.

Visit the following websites to discover even more incentives and grants that are available to support your next investment:

Invest in Ontario

Incentive programs described above are subject to cancellation and/or modification at any time. Applicants should contact Niagara Economic Development and/or their local Niagara municipality to obtain the most up-to-date information on incentive programs.


for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural projects


economic development staff

News & Media

$49.9 million /239,000 square feet in 2022 office sales


$321.7 million /1.7 million square feet in 2022 retail building sales


$142.3 million /309,000 square feet in 2022 hospitality building sales


$256.3 million /1,125 acres in 2022 vacant land sales


$195.3 million /1.3 million square feet in 2022 industrial sales


$683.2 million 2022 non-residential building construction

Statistics Canada, 2022

$674.0 million 2021 non-residential building construction

Statistics Canada, 2022

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